The Science


Chronic Sinusitis is experienced by 30 million people a year in the US and is the number one reason for a doctors visit. It is caused by bacteria that form an extracellular DNA-protected biofilm on the surface of our sinuses. This biofilm is resistant to nasal sprays and antibiotics. Bacillus licheniformis produces DNase that disrupts and eliminates that biofilm from our sinuses.

Bacillus licheniformis produces DNAase that disrupts the extracellular DNA that enables the biofilm of plaque to form on our teeth.

Bacillus subtilis becomes a spore when it runs out of nutrient.

These endospores are able to remain dormant for extended periods, even centuries. They can survive without nutrients. They are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, desiccation, high temperatures, extreme freezing and chemical disinfectants.

Endospores are unaffected by the acid in our stomach and the bile acid in our small intestine. When the they enters our large intestine (our gut), where food is again abundant, they become vegetative, attache to other microbes to form a biofilm or remake and restart their motors (flagella) to find nutrient including fiber producing small chain fatty acids that improve our health. As a spore they are able of activating our body’s innate immune system improving our ability to fend off disease.